Astrology Sessions

Astrological Birth Chart Interpretation session – (1 hr)

Birth chart image from wikipedia
  • A fun and exciting way to get to know yourself!
  • Astrology affects some people much stronger than others.
  • Some people are meant to learn what is in their birth chart. If you find that all other explanations are not fitting what is happening to you, you may need to check your astrological chart to see what is holding you back.
  • Astrology is a study unto itself, many people can’t read their charts but they can hold valuable and interesting information about your looks, love life, money, career, health, family, unlucky events, struggles, and spirituality (gifts, abilities, perceptions, mental state).
  • Astrological birth chart interpretation may reveal:
    • Why your love life is smooth or has negative patterns or never seems to work out.
    • Why money comes to you easy or escapes you easily.
    • Why people naturally gravitate towards you, or why you may feel like you will always be alone.
    • Why you value health or continuously get sick.
    • Why you have problems with your family and feel like the black sheep.
    • What careers may feel energetically clear, happy and go smoothly for you (if applicable).
    • What makes you happy or gives you energy.
    • Appearance – how people perceive you.
    • And much much more!

2.  Pay using the button below. Venmo, Paypal Later, G Pay, Apple pay, and credit cards accepted. Text 972-352-8113 to schedule your appointment. Same day may be available if enough time is given to interpret chart. Give about 5 hour lead time for chart interpretation.

Relationship (Soul Mate) Comparison Birth Charts (1.5 Hours)

This sessions includes what is up above for a normal birth chart reading but includes your relationship partner’s as well to see your compatibility! What will you need protection from, work on, what will be hard and what will go easily! Click below to schedule today!

  • A fun and exciting way to get to know yourself and your partner!
  • Astrology affects some people much stronger than others.
  • Some people are meant to learn what is in their birth chart. If you find that all other explanations are not fitting what is happening to you, you may need to check your astrological chart to see what is holding you back.
  • Astrology is a study unto itself, many people can’t read their charts but they can hold valuable and interesting information about your looks, love life, money, career, health, family, unlucky events, struggles, and spirituality (gifts, abilities, perceptions, mental state).
  • Astrological birth chart interpretation may reveal:
    • Why your love life is smooth or has negative patterns or never seems to work out.
    • Why money comes to you easy or escapes you easily.
    • Why people naturally gravitate towards you, or why you may feel like you will always be alone.
    • Why you value health or continuously get sick.
    • Why you have problems with your family and feel like the black sheep.
    • What careers may feel energetically clear, happy and go smoothly for you (if applicable).
    • What makes you happy or gives you energy.
    • Appearance – how people perceive you.
    • And much much more!

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Psychic Medium Andrea Knight

*Disclaimer: This website offers metaphysical information and services. Information and services provided here and by Andrea Knight are not a substitute for medical or legal advice. Please refer to a licensed physician or legal professional for medical advice. Disclaimer