Empathy Modes, Dealing with your Clairsentience

As a clairsentient, or empath as some like to refer to it, you may feel a lot of energy from people, places and even inorganic material.  Not all of it is important for us to interpret and can become overwhelming.  One concept that is important to keep in mind is that our energy may pick up some of this energy it is feeling and bring it with you, or it may leave parts of itself behind.  Before you know it you are feeling people and places you have left hours ago!  That is why it is important to do some empathic energy maintenance.

Empathic energy maintenance 

First return everyone’s energy back to them and your energy back to yourself.  Imagine God removing all energies and entities you’ve picked up or absorbed around the world. Friends, family, soul mates, places and clients.  Imagine God releasing them back to where they came from. Now imagine every where your energy may have gone as well, including those you may have read, healed, thought about, even energy in stores you may have stopped by that day. Imagine God’s hand above the Earth vacuuming that energy up transforming it green to heal it and then returning it back to you in healed form.  End with “please and thank you God.”

Grounding, Our Ally Against Brain Fog

When I first started my metaphysical journey no one really emphasized grounding enough. The higher chakras were the rock stars that received a lot of attention as everyone was looking to receive higher guidance from the divine. I found that my life had shifted a lot after my energy healing certifications, and preferring stability, I looked for an answer to keep my abilities but also regain some mental clarity. clairsentience

Here are some common symptoms of being ungrounded:

  • Loss of focus
  • Feeling less intelligent
  • Swift changing moods
  • Hunger that can’t be satisfied
  • Feeling more drained or fatigued than you’ve ever felt
  • Anxieties that are not explainable
  • Feeling everything and everyone around you
  • Headaches or migranes

I will talk a lot about grounding as I went through a difficult time without it, and because my clients still struggle with this concept.  When we are not grounded we kind of float up into this stream of energy connecting us and capture, absorb, and interpret this data.  Some of it we can take down with us.  When we ground, we are returning that back to earth or leaving it up in the stream.  Therefore, when grounded we are interpreting and receiving much less information and can think more clearly.  We can also regain a sense of individuality, and instead of experiencing everyone else’s fear, emotions and cravings, we can just feel like “us” again.  With all of that we regain mental clarity and peace.

The main reasons why clients struggle with grounding include:

  • Fear of loss: Many of them are looking for love, and want to be “present” for any guidance they may receive on their love interest. I remind them that they will still receive guidance intuitively, when you are grounded your angels don’t leave you and can still deliver guidance.  I even receive clairaudient and clairvoyant messages while grounded.  They are also afraid they will lose their “powers” if they ground and go back to being metaphysically asleep.  Not true.  I ground after readings, and if anything readings can be clearer as grounding removes the other clients’ energies from me.
  • Fear of the underworld: Many years ago, the underworld was supposedly in the ground, deep in the earth. This fear is most likely subconscious in your life now, but needs to be removed.  I recommend theta healing or any subconscious healing modality.
  • Fear of being unaware: They are afraid they won’t “feel” people as much and therefore not know when they are in danger. You will still have your intuition, ask God and angels to intuitively guide you so you can have peace and cleansing by being grounded.  From personal experience, feeling less can be a relief for a time.

Do this when you get up in the morning and whenever you feel you are getting less grounded again. Grounding does not reverse your progress on your metaphysical abilities, think of it as you are washing them off in a waterfall, washing away the psychic “dirt” and when you come up again you can see clearer.  If you have other problems with grounding, ask archangels Raphael and Uriel to heal them on all levels before you go to bed for a few nights until you notice a difference.


First return everyone’s energy back to them and your energy back to yourself as noted at the beginning of the article.  This will help with grounding.

Close your eyes and visualize black cords from your feet extend down until they meet the core of the earth, with mother earth grabbing them and securing them into the core.  I usually ask for this connection to core for 24 hours.  Visualize the rest of your body turn into the branches and the leaves, extending into your energy field and your energy field turning a dark green as well as the rest of your body.  Visualize air blowing away any energetic debris, then a waterfall wash over you to toss energies to the ground where they become soaked into the earth.  Lastly visualize green fire surrounding you and your energy field, dissolving any negative energy or energies that no longer serve you.  Using this process you will have used all 4 elements.  Sometimes I’ll take an actual shower, light candles asking for grounding, open windows for air to blow in and put black stones in my pockets for additional intention.

You should feel your feet become heavier, like putting on heavier boots and they should stay that way for the length of the time you ask. The other thing you can do is ask God to turn down your clairsentience to a level that’s more comfortable for you for that same amount of time so you’re not feeling the electronics, the people, and the energy around you which is really too much information. I watch a hand turn a knob all the way to the left until it clicks, meaning the clairsentience is turned down low or off depending on what you want. Remember you have your intuition and really that is what you want to use when you are out and about as it is less confusing. Intuition is a “knowing” of what you want to do without having to hear or see spiritually.

The other thing I recommend is to go into what I call “Modes”. These are essentially different grounding methods depending on the situation you’re about to enter or be in. Ask God to put you in these modes before you engage in each of these activities.

Reading Mode – After I’m done with a reading as well as when I wake up in the morning I ask God to take me out of reading mode. This makes me less sensitive to the energies around me that I don’t really need to be feeling and helps you feel more grounded and safe. I also find that you’re automatically put into reading mode once you ask God to help you do a reading. I don’t feel like you have to ask to be put into reading mode but I do ask to be taken out of it in the best highest way for me. End with please and thank you for intention. I will often see a door close and be locked with the word “readings” on it along with a time amount that I want to be out of reading mode such as 8 hours.

Travel mode – For any of you in the metaphysical fields that can feel the EMF, static electricity, and radiation around you, planes, cars and airports are not always fun. However, I was told to ask to be put into travel mode before I go on my trip. When I did this I became even more grounded then when I ask to be taken out of reading mode. I can also focus more and have more mental clarity. This is essentially “super grounded” you so you’re not feeling everybody’s “stuff” and not as fearful.

Work mode – If you have found after your spiritual awakening you can’t focus at work and you feel more fatigued this is because you’re feeling the energy from electronics, the people around you and their thoughts as well as the environment. You don’t need all of this information. I would highly recommend asking God to put you in some sort of “work mode” as I would call it, so you can focus more at work and have more mental clarity.  Sometimes your coworker’s energy may be negative for reasons that have nothing to do with work and may have to do with their personal life so it’s not always useful information.

You will still have your intuition in any of these modes. Don’t forget to use affirmations on intelligence and mental clarity for an additional boost in these areas.

Want more advice tailored to your situation from your angels and guides? Go to my reading page to schedule a reading today.  Most readings are done within 24 hours. clairsentience, clairsentience, clairsentience, clairsentience, clairsentience, clairsentience, 

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