Tag Archives: absolution of sins

Absolution of Sins


Photo Source: Daniel Maat, “prayer”, https://flic.kr/p/84TyxZ

I heard very clearly when in a reading state one day the word “Absolution”.  Kind of hilarious, I went to 10+ years of Catholic school, and while I had heard of the word before I had to look it up after the vision to make sure I knew what it meant.  I thought it had something to do with sinning, maybe forgiveness.  I received several times in my energy healing and readings that we can beat ourselves up sometimes over what we have done in this current life and in past lives.  A very clear vision popped up after I received this word “Absolution” after asking how to do this.   This is what I received and hurriedly wrote down.

“pain of existence
we think we are sinners – should change, sometimes we know energetically or soul level we have been bad in the past
complicated forces cause us to “misbehave” (not all our fault that we do)
we are punishing ourselves physically
instead of going through each cause and “I forgive myself, others…” there is a faster way
absolve sins
saw a vision of Jesus under a rain cloud, rain falling on him, on knees praying, also saw myself on knees praying by bed, then rising up and saying thank you. Say a prayer asking God to absolve my sins both in current and past lives on your knees (picture Jesus next to you with the intention that Jesus not get hurt). say amen. the rain represented the healing water to wash away sins”

The vision outlined a method with which to absolve your sins in past lives and current lives without the need for a priest.  I’ve struggled with the word “sin” since taking the metaphysical journey, knowing that sometimes there are other forces within and outside of us that cause us to act negatively.  I won’t go into that now, but if you feel that you continually pull yourself down mentally, physically, energetically for the past, this is a wonderful healing to lift you up.  I really felt energetically refreshed afterwards with more positive energy.


Like the vision said, kneel (or lay down), and imagine Jesus with you in the rain which is cleansing both of you.  Imagine yourself in the white light.  Then see yourself floating above the clouds, up into the universe as high as you can go until you reach an area of the universe that is all white.  Imagine you and Jesus in this area either kneeling or lying down with God watching over you.  Tell yourself that Jesus won’t get hurt in the process (I had a problem with this that I didn’t want him dying or getting hurt for my sins, you might too).  Thank God, your angels, archangels and Jesus for being there. Ask God out loud to absolve your sins in past lives and current life.  End with please and thank you, Amen.  Watch or feel what happens.  Wait until the vision or feelings stop and your feet feel heavy or grounded.  Say “Thank you God, Jesus and angels”.  Imagine yourself going back down into the universe, through earth’s atmosphere, back into your body.  Imagine your feet turning into roots and going down to the core of the earth, bringing green light to fill your body and energy field around you.  Say out loud, “I am grounded, I am grounded, I am grounded” and wait until your feet feel like heavy rocks.  Then continue about your day.

Need more information in a reading or healing?  Check out my reading page or my energy healing page.

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