My Soul Mate Book

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Book Excerpts:

Michelle and Hank:

“As I walked through the white Canadian winter land I noticed my feet made a very satisfying crunching sound as they compacted the snow beneath them.  It was a beautiful sunny day after the winter storm, even though it was below freezing outside.  I went up the stairs to the lodge and took off my hat and gloves on the porch.  The porch around the lodge up in the forested mountains had thick logs for main entry columns that must have been about a foot in diameter.  I could smell the pine and feel the moisture in the air from fresh snowfall.  As I walked in the door to the lodge the smell of fresh pancakes overcame me and with it the smell of hot syrup.  I think the smell reminded me of gingerbread but they ended up being cinnamon buttermilk pancakes that day.  Starting to get hungry with thoughts of bacon dripping with syrup and fluffy pancake piled on my fork I turned to go to my room. Then I heard my cell phone ding.

The text was from Michelle and she wanted a same day reading.  I continued to my room to change for breakfast….Read more here.

Marianne and Cody:

“I was walking along the beach in Oceanside during sunset on my vacation and I received a text message from a regular who was stressed out.

“I haven’t heard from Cody for 5 days, what should I do?” the text message said.

It was Marianne again.  She and Cody had broken up two months prior…. Read more here.

Mark and Claire:

“Mark was willing to do almost anything to get back together with Claire.  He was willing to change the things he did wrong in the past.

Mark continues, “I just know we can work out long term.  I already have a picture in my head of us having a family together, a farm, children…I picture warm holidays together.  What do I need to do for her to pay attention to me again?….Read more here.

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