Tag Archives: cherubim

Cherubims, the Motivators, a conversation with “Thorn”

Photo Source: “A Tribute to Canadian men…”, Kevin Wendt, https://flic.kr/p/2i7UvPc

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By Andrea Knight

He told me his name was “Thorn”. Cherubims have been appearing to me the past couple years as tall angels holding puppies. I didn’t know why until I did this reading and now it makes perfect sense. This is one of several on the angel rank series, links to the others are at the end of this article.

In a reading state I asked to connect to a Cherubim level angel that could speak to me clearly. They showed me a tall angel holding a puppy and told me his name was Thorn. He then showed me a picture of a baby, and we discussed a little bit that previous references to Cherubims were associated with cherubs or babies with wings. I asked if they liked this reference and imagery connected to their presence in events and he said they did.

Then I asked what he would like to tell us as advice first and he started with a visualization.

Thorn’s Advice

Thorn showed me a lot of people in the world, waiting or walking in lines. Crowds of people bumping into each other, getting irritated or angry with so many people around them. It reminded me of news stories I had seen of crowded Asian cities like Tokyo or Hong Kong.

The advice given to me is to find calm, to find your inner peace. He then showed me a remote place in the woods, his eyes lighting up, like this was a great place to be. Then I saw small colorful spiritual beings in between the tall pines, and he noted that some of these are in the light (morally good) and some are not. I saw Peter Pan, he’s playing soccer, and Thorn says to me to play, that play is good, Peter Pan here representing something I’ve been taught before. The lesson was that in order to bring joy in your life again, it helps to go back to those things that made you happy in childhood. When we are children we act more on feeling, intution and instinct, doing things we want to do as we are free of much of the restrictions and expectations brought in later in life. Things like free play and creativity that are suppressed as we age and our focus turns to being more “professional.”

I see the cabin surrounded by cedar and pines again next to a calm lake. “Peace and tranquility”, he says, “do you know why?” I see energy waves in the air, disrupting peoples thoughts, thought bubbles coming from peoples’ minds and being caught by someone else’s energy field. I experience brainfog when this is shown, then he says “too much in the ear”, almost like we are picking up on too many radio stations, connected to too many people around each other and its like too much thought energy affecting others when in close quarters. I have an article on how to find peace here if you can’t get away from people for a time, however the message here connects with what clairsentient people experience, to cleanse other’s energies when you can and protect yourself from them, be aware of the phenomenon, when you cannot get away. To know what to ask from the divine to make you feel better.

We have spiritual filters but angels can get overwhelmed, some of the thoughts are negative and make them vibrate or mimic in a certain way (sometimes angels can act as chameleons, vibrating to the environment or energy received), I saw hips and legs vibrating here. See my Dominion article here to counteract this. The “filtering” angel that protects us from this can get distracted and grow tired. I noticed this after some shopping trips or after a long day outside the home. I asked what do angels need when tired? I received the answer “to rest and to do nothing”. I also saw to visualize happy faces going to your surrounding angels and spiritual helpers. Include sending visuals of happiness, joy and rest energy (“Zzzz”) being sent to them from the divine. Go to my healing the healers article here for more on this subject. The other visualization I will do is similar to trading players on the soccer field, exchange the angels that are tired with ones that are “ready to go” and have energy.

What are some things that Cherubims can do?

I saw Thorn pick up a box, move it, and put it down. I saw him pick up another box, and do the same until he has a row of boxes in a semi-circle in front of him. They put children on them, and started waving his hands like a conductor in front of the children. The children didn’t do anything, sometimes paying attention and sometimes distracted by something else. I asked what he wanted the children to do and he told me he wanted them to sing. Someone else comes in with a puppet show behind the children and start playing with the puppets. The children are bored and he is trying to get them to sing, but they won’t sing, but they seem more interested in the puppet show being played then to do what Thorn wants. Thorn now picks up and uses a reindeer puppet and starts waving it in front of the kids. The kids get really happy and start singing! Thorn then explains they didn’t want to do what he wanted them to do, but they did want to watch the puppet show, so he integrated what they wanted to do with what he wanted them to do.

Cherubims are excellent motivators. Motivation may be a hard thing, he points to himself and he says “I know how to do it”, and now the children are singing with him using the puppets. The message here being he knows what the children (us) want and can combine that with what the divine wants us to do to motivate or even excite in some cases. He shows me a visual of him putting fire underneath someone’s bottom, to get them moving. Everyone on the Cherubim level knows how to do this. We can call them if we need help with motivation, both positive and fear based motivation, and they know which one to use.

Free Will

I’ve been doing readings for years, and know some of the questions my clients have asked is not always in line with another’s free will. So I asked what exceptions there may be, everyone has their own motivations and may contradict your own, if it is against someone’s free will do they help? Thorn told me that they know when it is selfish or self motivated, they know “the line” when it is too much against their free will. They will filter out what is not ok for someone else as they know what is alright or not. So if you are asking for something that affects another and don’t know if it is alright, go through Cherubims as they can make that assessment and protect both sides from negative consequences.

Other summarized points about Cherubim level angels:

  • They are excellent and clear at relaying guidance from your guides on multiple levels
  • They are healers as well
  • They are not really the best future tellers, get future predictions from another source
  • They like Christmas (I kept seeing Christmas themes throughout the reading). The reason being that people pray more, people talk to God more, they give to others more, more love in the air, more pretty things to look at which can uplift mood, feelings, thoughts and therefore vibrations. Overall better energy around he told me this is a good environment where they can step in more as people ask for what they want in such uplifting, warm, giving, loving energy.

I suspect Cherubims can do much more than this, however this reading took a couple hours to relay to my readers, so there is more to discover in time. Since this reading and while composing this blog, I have noticed at least 2 events where men were holding puppies, one going into Target while shopping, the other around my home. This was unusual and therefore statistically significant, a sign. Angels will send you messages to validate what you are receiving; ask, be open, and thank them when received to receive more.

Personal aside…

If you were wondering why they chose puppies, I am have a B.S. in Zoology, so when I am stressed or need a mental break I will watch YouTube videos of baby animals to lift me up. Spirit will often bring me animals such as cats, dogs, birds, feathers as messages and validation. I will feel like going outside for some reason, and will run across an angelic message like feathers, cats, dogs, rainbows, unicorns (see thrones article), or coins along the way. While they come to me as tall angels with puppies they may come to you in a different way, be open to how they want to represent themselves to you.

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