Tag Archives: pie

Health and Fitness: Creating Positive Memories around Food

eat healthier

Photo source: “jessicalettucetomato ” on flickr.com

It’s the holidays, what’s the first thing you think of? Some people might say the beautiful lights, the decorations, their families but a lot of us think about the food. Think of all the delicious cookies, cakes, turkey or chicken with stuffing, not to mention the pies. Added to all that food that can stimulate our mind due to high levels of sugar, salt and fat, we are receiving a lot of love during that time from family. We are happy and relaxed because we’re not working and taking time off to be joyous. You’ve now created a series of happy memories connected to food and love. eat healthier, eat healthier

Ok, a lot of us want to eat healthier. However it can be a mind game if you prefer high fat, salt, processed or sugary foods. These are high-glycemic and can signal our body to store fat. There are many different angles to look at when trying to change how you eat. Some of it is due to chemical addictions and some of due to habits.  The links take you to my other articles on these topics.

I briefly wanted to touch on the subject of memories that we attach to food and how to best change that for the better.


Okay, I think we’ve established that we’ve associated love, holidays, happiness, and a break from work to food. How do we attach a happy memory to food that does not include foods that cause us to gain weight? I suggest you start by creating happy memories around healthy foods.

During the holidays you are receiving attention, love, breaks from work, and someone is serving you food (one of the 5 love languages, acts of service). How do you create new memories around healthy foods where you feel as excited, loved and relaxed?

5 Tips to Happy Memories around Healthy Foods

1. Eat out at a restaurant by beautiful nature or has a great atmosphere. Actively choose a healthy option. Create the mindset that you are creating a happy memory for yourself. Invite friends, family, or of they are unavailable or do one of my favorite things and sit at the bar and talk to people there. Go somewhere you know will be happy, it can be a lakefront restaurant, one with a hip atmosphere or somewhere romantic.

2. Cook something healthy then make it beautiful on your plate. Have the mindset you are creating a happy memory. Ask God or archangels to fill your love tank. Watch your favorite movie, put on your favorite music or invite friends over.

3. One of my favorites was to draw a bubble bath and create small appetizers on cute plates. Eat them while laying in essential oils, bubbles and listening to soothing music. You’ll feel cared for (receiving love from yourself). Another option is to create an essential oil lotion, lather your entire body, lay in your most comfortable clothes or robe on the couch and eat small bites.

4. Go to an adventure park or zoo and get the fruit spears or salad. Watch your favorite animal or show while eating healthy. Visualize or feel happy while eating and watching.

5. Actively prepare healthy but interesting meals for parties with friends and family. Choose the healthy options knowing intellectually that this will help create happy memories around that food. Inform your friends and family why we are doing this, they may join you as it does make sense even to those not into metaphysics.

Remember, healthy food doesn’t have to be boring. Steak salads, nut mixes, many Greek and Moroccan plates sans the bread can be very satisfying.

Need more tips and advice? I do readings and energy healing. Check out my menu for more options and talk to your archangels.