Tag Archives: pms weight loss

Insatiable Cravings during PMS

Source: Andrea Knight

For some of us the time before your period can spur a food binge, where even counting your calories is not a deterrent to over eating. It seems nothing can satisfy and nothing makes you feel full. In just a couple days you can undo all the hard work you put in a week.

Little Reasons Why

When pre menstrual syndrome starts your estrogen levels lower and progesterone increases. Estrogen at normal levels help you feel full like leptin and increased progesterone makes you feel more hungry. The thyroid also fluxuates at this time. These hormones can make you feel hungrier and less satisfied as your body now craves more sugar and carbs to “feel better”. This all adds up to insatiable craving even when not hungry.

What to do?

Well, not everything is as hopeless as your thoughts may tell you. That urge to go out to a restaurant and order everything on the menu is a secret call for help from your brain due to hormonal fluxuatuons.

Some recommendations:*

  • Drink a pint of water with lemon and 1 tbsp physillum husk. The husk expands in your system and provides hunger busting fiber.
  • Before you drive to Taco Bell and order a gordita with nacho chips, churro and large fries, make this meal instead: 1/2 cup 100% whole wheat pasta, 1 cup broccoli florets, 1 cup chopped spinach, 1 diced roma tomato, 5 sliced black olives. Use spices garlic powder, salt and pepper. Without using butter and oils to trigger more craving, this is super filling and healthy! If anything else, you’ll have less room for the gordita!
  • Any sugar, high fat and salt cravings you have use the psychological tip to tell yourself “Later”. This will calm the mind down for a time while you cook the meal above.
  • 500 mg magnesium -this not only helps with cramps during your period but helps with the chemical imbalance going on in your system
  • 200 mg 5-HTP (morning and night around 4 or 5pm) -this is a precursor to serotonin to help you feel better (mood booster and appetite surpressant)
  • 1000 mg L glutamine – help with sugar cravings
  • B complex – helps with serotonin production
  • Chromium (optional) – for sugar cravings
  • Inositol (optional) -helps with mood
  • Lay down for an hour, make sure your tummy is covered (heavy blanket or pillow) and your back as well. This will help comfort you and calm down any nerves.

Then take out your cell phone calendar. 3-5 days before your estimated period start these tips. Put the events as a repeated event monthly and link this article so you have all you need to suceed!

Don’t forget to forward to your girl friends and like! Thank you!

Need a psychic reading? Energy healing? Follow the links to schedule one today!

By Andrea Knight

*The author of this blog is not a physican. Please refer to your primary care physican for any questions and plans to help with hormones and weight loss. Everyone’s physical system has variations and any supplement or weight loss plan should be reviewed by a physican before proceeding forward. Anyone following this advice assumes all responsibility and risks involved when not reviewing with a primary care doctor or specialist.


