Category Archives: theta healing

Elementals Series I: The Fire King

dancing flames
Photo Credit: Andrea Knight,

I was visited by an elemental king of fire the other day. He’s been making himself known pretty prominently for the past couple days. So during my next reading I asked what he is responsible for or what he helps out with. I felt a warm sensation on my face and on my arms so through a series of questions I found out that they can warm an area or body part such as when we get upset, embarrassed or angry we’ll feel our face get warm or prickly (fire elementals specifically). I also asked if they’re responsible for creating many of the sensations throughout my body I’ve been experiencing since I took Reiki and I saw clairvoyantly that all the Elementals have something to do with the sensations we feel. When I asked to be cooler during a hot part of the day I first asked for water and that didn’t quite do it. Then I saw the word “air”, so I asked for air and then I cooled down. As the years have gone by I have clairvoyantly seen as well as intuitively received that some of these feelings are controlled by elementals and nature spirits.

Over the years I would ask about different sensations and the answers were consistently elementals or nature spirits rather than my angels. For a week or two after this meeting I wanted to know more about what Elementals do to help us out. After looking through some sources of information seems like they clean up a lot of negative energy in different areas on Earth. In a reading I asked why are they creating some of these unusual sensations such as prickling, warming, heaviness and I received that they wish to help out. One way they can help out is by allowing us to feel the blocks and imbalances that need to be healed by creating some of these sensations in our body and around us. Affirmations, meditation and energy healing such as theta, crystals and Reiki can remove those blocks and imbalances. Energetic blocks can be indicators of what beliefs you have about yourself and the world around you as well as the chakras/meridians/energy fields that need to be cleansed or healed. Know that this is only part of what they do to help us raise our vibration. Use it as an indication that something is out of balance and get your metaphysical tool belt out to clear some stuff out. As we heal, we raise our vibration.

Some items that fire elementals can help out with and given to me in a mediumship reading with a high level fire elemental:

  •  Healing – one worked on my joints the other day, it felt great!
  •  Warming
  •  Energy
  •  Teach or make us feel like going in another direction or to not do something
  •  Remove negative energy & entities
  •  Ground
  •  Protection
  •  Manifesting
  •  Transmute energy (purple flame I was told was not fire elementals, that was connected to Christ energy)

They did want others to know that not all of them are evil, even though many evil characters on TV and movies are pictures associated with fire.  Some fire elementals try to steer you in another direction and that may be done in less pleasant ways but not always for malevolent reasons.  Their healing and grounding can be quite awesome and I would recommend including them not just earth in your grounding routine.  They can also help give you energy and remove negative energy from your body/aura as well.

Common issues:

Fatigue – Wow, this can be multiple things. The simplest answer I can give you is clear the root chakra, or carry a red stone in your pocket. The root chakra seems to be one of the major energy boosting centers. Also imagine red energy in your legs down to your feet while exercising, I’ve noticed this gives me an energy boost. Fatigue could also be someone else’s energies stuck in your energy field. In this case say mentally this is not me and the energy will go away. If it is a block, do a clairsentient body scan and see where the energy is concentrated, then clear chakras and meridians on the spot as well as above and below. The other common reason is lack of enthusiasm, use affirmations for this (“I am enthusiastic about life”, “Love and Joy runs through my arteries and veins”) because sometimes we have to do things we aren’t always thrilled with.

Mental slowness, lack of mental clarity – First check both sides of your throat including the area where the spinal cord meets the skull. Also check chakras in the middle of your head, behind the nose and in the back of your mouth. Second, Ground! Do a great grounding including grounding the back chakras, each of your joints in arms, shoulders and legs. Grounding helps with mental clarity and focus when out of a reading.

Here is a summary of solutions to clear some of the discomfort, fatigue or blocks:

1. Appreciation – say out loud what you appreciate, even if it is materialistic, like “I appreciate my bed, I appreciate my TV, I appreciate the beach…”

2. Mediation with crystals – I highly recommend full chakra sets with grounding stones for your legs. I practice what I preach and sell full sets which include stones for your legs and feet (go here: The additional leg stones can help with anxieties, stress and help you have a more clear flow of energy. I have seen no one else provide a full chakra set which includes feet and knee chakra stones. They really make a difference.

3. Affirmations – Louise Hay has a book, “How to heal your life” that gives you affirmations for the areas where you feel discomfort. Also there are many affirmations on the internet if you google “knee pain affirmation”.

4. Energy healing – Crystals, theta or Reiki as well as many other modalities can help you restore balance and peace.

When I ask what high level elemental beings do, often I am presented with a being that looks like a king, sultan or other royal being.  So far I’ve seen Sultans and Kings representing high level fire beings.

I saw in my reading that elementals and nature spirits would like to be known for what they do to help. They help us throughout the day, either by being our guides through feelings as well as cleaning up the energy around us. An excellent way to feel better is to take a walk outside in nature and you’ll instantly realize how much better the energy is. The other thing I saw clairvoyantly in my reading clearly when I was asking about fire Elementals was lightning. After perusing some of the sources about Elementals I saw them mention lightning as well. I read that fire Elementals might be responsible for much of the energy around us including lightning. One particular source said that they may be responsible for the energy even within our atoms. They also may help with energizing your crystals and stones.

If you have fears concerning elementals and nature spirits due to fairy tales or movies as a child (many of us do), I recommend affirming to yourself that they are kind and always visualize them as such. If something feels wrong assume it is not them, ask and visualize your archangels removing the offending party or energy. If you need more proof that they are here to help go outside on a nice day and see how much better you feel being in nature. I have additional information on how to connect with and notice nature spirits / elements in other blogs on this site or you can sign up for a reading with me to find out more on my psychic mediumship page:

Other articles on elemental beings:


Need a reading or healing? Readings from your archangels and ascended masters can be found here. fire elemental, fire elemental, fire elemental

Copyright 2018 Feathers, All Right Reserved

Crossing Over Sam

I wanted to share a few experiences with helping someone to cross over to the other side. I’ve done this a few times, but this one I kept track of more after I received signs that they had crossed. I had one recently where someone had died 30 years ago and still haven’t fully crossed over yet. We will call them “Sam” for the rest of the blog to help keep this person’s anonymity. There was a trauma involved with their death.

When those that have passed are Earthbound I usually see them surrounded by grey, black or orange energy depending on where they are in their afterlife journey. For someone who committed suicide there was black energy and I’ve only seen that once so far. The one that committed suicide was able to cross over after asking for help for them. In Sam’s case the person was surrounded by an orange color. Those that are crossed over are usually surrounded by the color white, green, or blue.

When someone I care about passes, I ask for Jesus, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Azrael to help that person crossover in the best and highest way for them. It seems to happen very quickly when I do this using the Theta healing modality as I can watch them do it in a matter of minutes. When I asked this time I heard something like “well that’s very nice but… ” like they had something that they were still attached to or didn’t want to leave. So I saw clairvoyantly that they crossed over very quickly and I received the signs shortly thereafter that they had crossed over, in this case, with butterflies right outside my bedroom window in the morning.

Once they were crossed over and a few days had passed I would check up on them every once in awhile see how they were doing. Honestly, one of the first things that was explained to me from Sam was that there were buildings in the distance and I saw Clairvoyantly the buildings behind them. I asked if they could walk into the buildings and meet some people and they said no they are private. I asked during my next reading my Archangels, Jesus, and God what were these buildings? I received that they were “private residences”.

I would continue to talk to “Sam” about various things that he would ask me. It was explained to me that Sam wanted to get to work right away, after crossing over but would need some healing as well as training on how to heal himself. After some time, I would say in about a few weeks, Sam was more happy, taking some time out to play and more confident in their abilities to help others. When they first crossed over I got that he wanted to be my guardian and I was more concerned with him taking care of himself and being happy after all these years of being in this “middle land”, being earthbound. In another reading, I found he also wanted to help out the country that he passed in.

I asked my archangels in a reading why that even though Sam was crossed over why he wasn’t instantly happy, and I received the answer that he wanted to work right away but he didn’t completely know everything yet as far as how to take care of himself energetically, that he felt guilty for being happy and still was figuring out what he could do on the other side.

Apparently it takes time for some of us to adjust after we’ve even crossed over to figure out how to use the energies and powers that we are given (kind of on earth too). I thought this was actually pretty interesting and I thought I might share it with the rest of my followers just in case you were interested in the process of crossing over. It probably only took one night after I asked for them to cross over for them to appear in my dreams very clearly and to send me a message.  crossing over, crossing over

Need a reading for yourself or an energy healing over distance? Check out my links on the tool bar above and schedule a reading for yourself today!

Copyright 2019 Feathers, All Right Reserved

The Past Is Not Your Future

As you can probably imagine I get a lot of calls at this time of the year, being the new year. People usually want to know if some aspect of their life is better than the year past. Before I get to the main point of this article I do want to say to not wait for the beginning of every year to make your life better. Everyday you can do something that makes you happy. Try your best not to rely on others to make you happy but to do the things that move you or motivate you. Whether that’s playing a game on your cell, watch your favorite TV show, cooking/baking something, taking a walk in the park, going to the zoo, or anything else that makes you happy. Start today, don’t wait for the next month or the beginning of the year to have your happiness or results.  You CAN make yourself happy now. The Past is Not your Future,The Past is Not your Future

The main reason for this article was to address something I commonly hear and to give you the advice I received from the other side. Someone mentioned that they hadn’t dated anyone for years and they couldn’t believe that they would have more than one romantic option in 2018.  The answer that I heard from the other side was the future is not your past. Which is very true. Just because it hasn’t happened for the past 5 years does not mean it’s not going to happen this year. Especially if you’ve been working on yourself, you’ve had some sort of Spiritual Awakening, or you’ve done some energy healing on yourself, you can certainly change your vibrations and what you’re bringing to you. So know that the past is not your future and just because it was a pattern in the past doesn’t mean it’s going to happen in your future.

Have a happy and healthy 2018!

Need a reading?  Go to my readings page and schedule a reading today!The Past is Not your Future,The Past is Not your Future

Copyright 2019 Feathers, All Right Reserved

Spiritual Attachments

Photo Source: Janie Monroe, “Captain Kirk-Star Trek”,, Star Trek is the property of Paramount, CBS and no copyright infringement intended. I do not own Star Trek or this image.

A spiritual attachment is a spirit that has attached itself to your energy field/aura. I see them a little balls of energy usually orange or black. If you see them as cute little fuzzy balls of energy I find it helps me not to react in fear.

Some energy or entities that is not yours can cause your energy field to be sluggish or you to not feel like yourself at times. Attachments can take advantage of those just getting into the metaphysical or going through a soul mate roller coaster ride.  I ask every day for God to make my energy field a comfortable size for me for 24 hours and it helps me maintain higher energy levels as you pick up less of other people’s negative energy.
There are some common experiences that can happen when you have an unwelcome spiritual attachment, although some can be from having other issues:

  • Nausea that a doctor can’t explain
  • Aches and pain in different areas of your body (this can be multiple things as well)
  • Shoulder, head or neck discomfort
  • Your life is very overly melodramatic.
  • People around you are over reacting to your presence and things you say. Many times the energy is interfering with your relationships.
  • You keep getting ill and cannot seem to shake the cycle of illness.
  • Chronic depression
  • Drug and alcohol addictions.

Interested in getting some help? I recommend Theta healing which I can provide over the phone and in person at Psychic Fairs.  Go to my energy healing page to set up an appointment.

Other tips:
1) Before you enter your home ask Archangel Michael or David to remove any spiritual attachments to you that are no longer serving you in the best and highest way. Be present, feel the healing, and wait until you feel better then enter your home.
2) Ask God to put a shield around you every morning that prevents you from having spiritual attachments with entities that have vibrations less than your angels and guides for 24 hours. Visualize an electric field around you and little balls of black and orange bouncing off of them.
3) Theta healing
4) Meditate with stones that specifically help with spiritual attachments. Black tourmaline is one of my personal favorites. Jet, labradorite, fluorite, blue kyanite are some others.  I sell full chakra crystal sets here.
5) Ask Archangel Raphael during your next meditation to heal your energy field and aura in the best possible way for you.
6) Meditate with crystals and stones, from head to toe, asking your angels to help remove what is no longer serving you and what doesn’t belong to you.
7)  Ask Archangel Michael to remove cords to others who no longer serve you and then visualize him remove them. spirit attachment

Copyright Feathers. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

What is Ego?



A lot of people in the metaphysical and psychological community talk about the ego. They describe it as a person or being that is working against us, something to be attacked and conquered. At some point in the middle of my energy healing journey I was questioning that and for whatever reason that didn’t quite jive with me.

I became interested in egos when I found that I couldn’t stay humble or say that I was sorry for something when I knew I should.  It was like a block that prevented me from saying or acting in a certain way, and it was affecting my relationships, keeping me separate from others.

So I asked my angels and God to send me to the right literature that would accurately tell me what is “ego”.  When I scanned through different metaphysical and psychological literature none of it felt right at that time. Usually I am very good at selecting the right books for me so I knew this meant something significant.  Eventually I received clairvoyantly what it was while at work.

What they showed me was that it was a layer in the energy field around people. They showed it as just a black sheet in one of the layers on my back side. It wasn’t a person or spirit, which really made it less scary.  Knowing this I asked God to heal my ego’s in the best highest way for me, ending in please and thank you. Instantly, this helped me by removing the blocks I was experiencing that were preventing me from being humble and from saying I’m sorry. Some people feel like egos actually protect us, and in some ways I can see that because it prevents you from doing things you don’t want to that make you feel low, such as saying you’re sorry. However, it also hinders us as it keeps us disconnected, because people won’t always tolerate arrogance or someone treating them badly without apologizing.  There are times in social situations where you have to act humble, even if you are good at something, to better get along with others.  I would highly recommend most, if not everyone, do this healing.  You can say it verbatim as I’ve listed below:

” God, please heal my ego’s in the best highest play for me, please and thank you.”

Then, if you’d like, visualize a black layer of your energy field being removed and replaced with green healing light.  If you are more of a Clairsentient, or someone who likes to feel their healing, wait until you feel a tingling or warming sensation dissipate. ego

Need more healing advice or a psychic reading?  Go to my website here.

Copyright Feathers. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Love Spells or Magic?

I used to get this question a lot when I first started doing readings and I haven’t encountered it much lately. However  recently it’s come to mind that maybe some people still need this question answered.

My clients used to ask me if a love spell that they paid for from another psychic/wiccan worked on their person of interest. In other words would that person love them or react to them more lovingly. Whenever I asked the Archangels, Jesus, or God this question I always received a no. Think about it from this perspective. At some point in your life you’re going to encounter someone who has a romantic interest in you but you don’t have feelings for them. Many times this can be a lesson for them or some sort of motivation to change something in their lives. Whatever their journey is, it is unfortunate and it happens to most of us. Now consider that this person might go and pay someone to cast a spell on you so that you love them back. How would that make you feel? Many times I hear psychics talk about free will and it has been a constant question in my mind how much free will really exists and how much we’re being led through our feelings that are created by God or our angels. In any case, to get to the point, I think that there are number of reasons why whatever these people have paid for doesn’t work. It may have to do with free will, that we are protected at all times or that this person has a lesson to learn. In summary, it doesn’t look like these “spells” work, however they are delivered (no I don’t know how to do a love spell so don’t ask), so save your money.

Instead I would highly recommend you do healing on yourself. Throughout the years as I did healing on myself I found that more people found me attractive.  I think this is because I’ve risen my vibration, I’m happier on the inside and outside, and I make others feel better around me. That’s the best advice I can give you, is to rather heal yourself internally rather than send energy outward towards someone else. Your conscience will thank you and you’ll have one less thing to forgive yourself for later, not to mention way more options for Romance. 😉

Need more advice? Psychic readings are found here and energy healing are also available here.

Copyright Feathers. 2017. All Rights Reserved.