Tag Archives: reiki

Self Healing

Photo Source: Justin Leibow, “Solo at Westward Beach”, https://flic.kr/p/E3gnPk

There are a few methods that I learned in self healing my past that I wanted to share.

  1. “Healing through the decades”

Get into a meditative state (close your eyes and breathe in and out 3 times).  Imagine God and your angels sitting next to you.  Say:

  “Creator of all that is, please pull any negative emotions and negative energy from me when I was ages 0-10 years old.  Replace anything removed with healing energy that is best and highest for me.  Please and thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is.”

Wait and feel the energy being removed and replaced or until you intuitively know it is complete.  Then repeat the above prayer, replacing 0-10 with 11-20, then 21-30, until you reach your current age.  This will help with much of the anxiety and negative energy you have been feeling over the years.

2. “Stop the arguing”

Do you get into arguments with someone in your head over and over again concerning what happened in the past or some other reason?  I know some of you won’t want to do what I am about to tell you, but know that is your ego or some other negative side of you.  This prayer Heals significantly and I highly recommend it.  Just say the words, you don’t even have to feel it, or get to the wisdom of the situation before using it.  Mainly it is to release the energy that is no longer serving you and is bothering you (and probably only bothering you at this point).  It will still work even if you don’t feel humble enough to mean it fully at the time.  The healing will take care of that.

Think of situations that to this day still bother you.  Even if you don’t want to give this person anything, even if you hate them, or think you hate them, say this:

 “Creator of all that is, I’m sorry, I forgive myself and I forgive others concerning this situation.  Please and thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is.”

Wait and feel the energy being removed and replaced or until you intuitively know it is complete. There may be multiple reasons why you are going through this with someone else.  It could be due to someone’s insecurities, past lives,  a learning experience to make you more empathic or wise in the future. Whatever the reason, this helps to relieve a lot of that energy stuck in the past.

The other thing you can do daily to stay out of arguing with other people’s egos, shadow selves, or energies is to ask for this every morning:

 “Creator of all that is, please block me from connecting to others, unless I consciously ask for it or you feel it is important.  Please and thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is.”

Need more tips and tricks tailored specifically to you from your angels and guides?  Check out my website www.feathersinfinity.com for my reading and healing offerings.

Copyright Feathers. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Balance Chakras with Affirmations

Photo Source: Charlie Vigorous, “Chakra”, https://flic.kr/p/uaDVZS

The following are affirmations for the main chakras along the body.  Affirmations are statements made in your mind, out loud or written that can help heal and balance you.  Better out loud or written, but still effective if repeated in your mind.  Typically people repeat each affirmation 3 times for intension.  Some have multiple that are effective so I’ve listed them with a 2 or 3.  Some of these came intuitively to me, some came from Reiki class, and others came from Louise Hay.

Feet: “I love to walk on mother earth.”
Feet 2: “It is safe to walk on mother earth.”

Ankle: “I deserve to rejoice in life. I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.”

Knees: “I am Flexible and Flowing”

Root (Safety): “I am safe”
Root 2 (Financial): “I trust the process of life.  All I need is taken care of.  I am Safe.”

Sacral:”I relate to others with ease.”

Solar Plexus: “I stand in my unique power.”

Heart:”I am love.”

Throat:”I express my truth.”

Third Eye:”I see things as they are.”

Crown:”I am connected to, and cared for by the divine in all ways and in all days.”

Copyright Feathers. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Why am I not satisfied with what I have?

Photo Source: Claire Britchford, “Content”, https://flic.kr/p/269qLp5

I’ll keep it simple.  First, we are all connected spiritually, energetically.  Second, the most common “want” I hear when people manifest or do vision boards is abundance or money (even over love).  So, you have a whole bunch of people asking for more money, we are affected by the energy and connected, so where is the money going to come from?  You and me.  So we are constantly tugged to buy, buy, buy, consume, consume, consume so the money goes around and fulfills everyone’s want.  Doesn’t matter how much you have, the cycle seems to continue until we learn. 

What do I do?  I ask God to protect me from everyone asking for more abundance and money for the day.  I ask God to fill my emptiness and restore my right mind.  Then end it with please and thank you for intention.  Works great, that emptiness and want feeling just goes away. 

Second I recommend highly to use the affirmation “I appreciate what I have and own” 3 times out loud every day but especially on full and new moon days. Using a visualization with a feeling of contentment is great as well.

Copyright Feathers. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Sexual Fears

Photo Source: Walter Tate, “Sad”, https://flic.kr/p/uFUNbQ

Many of us have had multiple past lives, and often times have been both genders. You don’t have to go too far in the past on earth to see that women were not treated that well in the bedroom or outside of it. Chances are high you probably did not have great sexual experiences in your past lives (or even this one for that matter). On top of that, if you were a woman in a past life you very well could have had a miscarriage or died during childbirth.

So you know you have some fears in that area, what can you do about it?

Sex, childbirth and gender issues (as well as relationship issues) tend to be centered around the sacral charka, or abdominal area. Now if we are talking about death during childbirth or a violation sexually, then that is Root chakra, or safety. The root chakra is best described as the area at the base of your spine. I would recommend healing both of these chakras at the same time for sexual issues.

The color for sacral chakra is orange and coordinates with sunstone, orange calcite, or copper. Moonstone is great on this area as well. The color for root chakra is red. My favorites are red tiger eye, and red jasper (some black stones are excellent as well such as black tourmaline, onyx, and obsidian. Black is usually grounding stones. Steer clear of “magic” stones such as Merlinite and Nummite.).  Red tiger eye is best for sexual issues including arousal.

Ask God to send you healers to best help heal your past life and current life sexual issues. You can be more specific if you’d like or keep it general. If you are not comfortable with talking to God, I recommend asking Archangel Raphael and Jesus or Mary or Buddha. Then meditate with the crystals listed above and/or concentrate on orange and red.


Affirmations said out loud or written down are extremely useful and quick way to open and heal your chakras. Say or write down three times for intention.

Sacral: “I relate to others with ease” (3x)

Root: “I am safe and protected” (3x)

Lastly, imagine God’s big hand sweeping all sexual energies and entities away from you and storing them in a room far away in space to be sorted out by experts in that area. Imagine God replacing the energy with positive gold or green energy.

Copyright Feathers. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Love Yourself Healing

Photo Source: Andrea Knight, www,mediumandreaknight.com

I’m sure by now you’ve read in many metaphysical articles to love yourself.  It is a common theme and life lesson for many to learn to love yourself and certainly one you’ll learn if you run into a twin flame or soul mate relationship.  So how does one do this?  For many it is far easier to unconditionally love someone else rather than yourself.  First step is recognizing the reasons why you do not, and then asking for it to be pulled and healed.

Common reasons why you may not (may include more, unique to your situation):

  • Your perception that your parents didn’t love you (for most of us they did, but as we grow older we realize they were under stress/busy/didn’t realize how they were being perceived)
  • Appearance/attractiveness issues – unrealistic expectations by society
  • Rejection by someone in the past, friendship, relationship, crush or family
  • Anger, negative thoughts we have had that we are ashamed of
  • Not achieving something (keeping up with the joneses, career, weight, etc)
  • Some sort of “sin” or breaking the rules
  • Worthiness/deserving

How to heal it:

Get in a relaxed place, ask God to send you Archangel Raphael and an ascended master such as Jesus, Mary, Buddha or someone else on that level you are comfortable with.  You can just go with God as well if you prefer.

List out in your head or on paper why you think you don’t love or approve of yourself.  You may hear something in your mind about how you don’t deserve it or are not worthy.  After you list it out, ask God/Raphael/Jesus to pull these beliefs and fears and heal them in both past lives and current life (you can do this in your head and end with “it is done, it is done, it is done” followed by “and so it is”.  This establishes intention).  I like to do this while I am lying in bed before I go to sleep, which is very relaxing and I go to sleep easily afterwards.

Why do we need to love ourselves?  Well, a lot of what holds us back from being happy is we don’t think we are worthy or deserve, so we don’t go after what we want, or we don’t protect ourselves from others.  I found growing up I would be overly protective of others but when it came to protecting myself I wouldn’t put in much, if any, effort.  Many people are like this, you are not alone.  This is the easiest way I have found to get through this with very little training or effort.  Good luck!

If you’d like more advice or healing visit me on my website and schedule an appointment with me.

Copyright Feathers. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Meditation with…Shells!

Photo Source: Mohamed Aymen Bettaieb, “Sea Shells”, https://flic.kr/p/qCPHbx

I usually meditate with crystals and stones daily with Buddha and other healers. I like using the chakra sets and I have them in various shapes such as pyramids, double terminated points and angelic shapes to cover my main chakras (I sell them too, see my shop here). I usually meditate before I do readings, using a relaxed lying down posture in bed because it is more comfortable for me. meditation with shells, meditation with shells, meditation with shells
Recently I’ve been thinking about conch shells. I was attracted to them in stores and received the idea to meditate with them. So I picked a few up, held them in my left palm, and asked them “if they were mine”. I usually look for a warming sensation or a thumping to come from crystals, stones, or now, shells to indicate whether our energy works well together. After a few, I found one that felt stronger and bought it.

I continued to receive the idea intuitively to meditate with it so I did last night. I saw clairvoyantly to use it on my heart chakra more than once, so that is where I put it after cleansing it. This morning I noticed a big difference in how my love interest reacted to me and how I responded. After cleansing your shells, try using them for your meditations and use your intuition on which chakra or meridian to use them on for healing. I also assemble my own shell meditation sets, align them with the right chakras and sell them on my shop here.

Want a reading or healing from me? Find my readings on my page here and healing page here.

Happy shell healing!

Copyright Feathers. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Sea Salt Baths

Photo Source: Ok Infotech, “Spa”, https://flic.kr/p/dWaknJ

Sea salt baths are excellent ways to cleanse negative energy out of your system including your etheric field and reseal it with positive energy.  As an empath I tend to take on a lot of energy from other people.  While energy healing certainly does help, a sea salt bath cleanses as well and is something everyone can do regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey.  Put about a handful of sea salt in your tub and soak in it for about an hour.  Use your judgement on how long to stay in the tub, if you are highly sensitive you will be able to tell or you will just know.  Once done, get out of the tub and rub apple cider vinegar all over yourself.  Then rub camomile tea all over next.  Take a shower to rinse off the vinegar and tea.  These last two steps additionally strip, cleanse and reseal the energy field around you.  I wouldn’t recommend just taking a sea salt bath without these additional steps.  After taking the bath you’ll notice that you feel much better and have more energy.  That is because you are carrying less negative energy around with you and your energy field is repaired.  Not only is this good for you physically and spiritually, but you’ll find that taking the extra time out for yourself can be a lovely break during the week that you look forward to.  Be sure to soak the vinegar bottle in the tub with you to keep it warm for when you get out of the bath.  Make it fun for yourself by adding rose petals, candles and fragrances to your bath time.

Copyright 2014, Feathers, All Rights Reserved

How Do I Keep My Vibration High?

Photo Source: Iezalel Williams, Skyscape and Cloudscape, https://flic.kr/p/2ix6K9X

There are many ways to keep your vibration high.  Something every one can do regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey is eat less processed foods or foods with a barcode, and eat more organic.  The less sugar, caffeine and carbs which turn into sugar is best.  Eat more fruits and vegetables and animal products with less hormones and where the animal was treated better when it was alive.  If you are adept at energy healing such as Reiki it helps to clear your main chakras once a day if not every other day.  There is also any excellent Youtube video out there that gives you 20 ways to raise your vibration which is quite excellent (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ5Oy4Ja9fI).  Some of the examples is to look at something beautiful, smell one of your favorite smells, practice mudras, write down what you are grateful for, listen to music you love, give something to someone else, listen to music in 528hz, listen to ancient chants, do yoga, and breathe more deeply.  Another thing I have learned that heals and helps with your vibration is imagining a blue light around you and breathe that in imagining the blue light filling your entire inner body.  Try some of these out and you’ll feel the difference.

How to Cleanse your Crystals

Quartz Arrowhead
Photo Source: Andrea Knight, http://www.mediumandreaknight.com

It is very important to cleanse and energize your crystals regularly.  How often you need to cleanse your crystal depends on how often it is used.  If you meditate with your crystal you’ll notice that the vibration may not be as strong as it has been over time.  If you hold your crystal in your left hand, ask it if it is cleansed and energized, and it doesn’t vibrate, it’s probably time to cleanse that crystal.  One way to cleanse and energize is to put your crystals in the sun and moonlight for 24 hours (except amethyst, only use moonlight for amethyst).  This removes any lower energy and energizes the crystal.  Another method is to put your crystals in sea salt water from 4-24 hours depending on how much you’ve used your crystal.  You have to be careful with this method because there are certain crystals that you can’t put in water or they’ll disintegrate like selenite.  If you are unsure of your new crystals preferred cleansing method, you can always google “metaphysical” and the crystal’s common name.  You can also use any number of vibrational instruments such as tuning forks, singing bowls, bells and cymbals to cleanse your crystals.  Burning sage & sweetgrass and waving the smoke over your crystals is also recommended for removing negative energy and replacing it with positive.  Enjoy your new crystals!

Copyright, 2014 Feathers, All Rights Reserved

How Can One Person Save the Earth?

Photo Source, Andrea Knight

First, you are not alone. We are all interconnected by the group consciousness and that includes with nature. We can all do something and collectively when we make the effort we are setting an example for others and it will catch on over time. Other people will look up to you and watch the decisions you make and will want to emulate this in their lives. However, if you want to take a more holistic, metaphysical approach to this subject, I recommend a good meditation that I have tried and have been asked to pass on to each of you. how can one person save the earth,how can one person save the earth,how can one person save the earth
Get into your meditative state and imagine you are surrounded by the Creator’s white light of love and protection. Expand that bubble to surround your home. Then expand it to surround your city, until it grows to surround your state. Eventually expand your white bubble to surround mother earth with positive white light. Imagine that the Creator is sending this light from above and see it completely surrounding the earth from space. Then imagine a green light coming down from Creator, surrounding the earth. Imagine the green light healing the land and the trees, transmuting or removing any pollution. Then imagine a blue light around earth. Imagine the blue light is cleaning up all the water, healing the sea creatures and removing pollution from the water and air. Lastly, imagine a pink light coming down and surrounding the earth. Imagine the pink light surrounding each of it’s inhabitants with love energy around the world. Imagine the pink light sending love to the elementals, the spirits, rocks, trees and surrounding nature. Imagine every person on every continent happy, wars ending, and everyone embracing and smiling. Continue to imagine earth surrounded in each of these lights and leave space, reentering the atmosphere, your home and eventually come back to yourself.

Why can’t God just heal the earth herself?

We have free will. If we want to use up the resources and pollute and not clean it up, we are free to do so. Angels, elementals, and the creator is not allowed to interfere with our free will.

What does this meditation do?

It does a number of things. It sets your intention that you want the earth, its inhabitants and nature saved. It tells the universe, which has infinite abundance, what you want by visualizing the healing occurring. Also, it asks the Creator, angels, elementals and other spirits to please help us and the visualization gives the request energy.

If you have been blessed with abundance, you can also help the planet and its inhabitants by buying more organic food, choosing environmentally kind electricity (wind, solar) and using environmentally safe chemicals. This will create a demand for these items, making them more available to other people and cheaper over time. If you want to feel better in your home and neighborhood, buy house plants and plant a tree. All of these actions create love energy in and around your home and helps the environment. Another thing I do is unplug anything I’m not using, like the stereo, can opener, toaster, and other kitchen appliances. You can’t unplug everything but you’d be surprised at how much energy you’d save with very little effort. Even though you may not be using that can opener, it still may be using something called “phantom energy” just by being plugged in. Appliances still drain energy when they are plugged in even though they are not being actively used.

When each of us does what we can, we can really make a difference in our world.

Copyright Feathers. 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Remove Spiritual Attachments, How to Article

remove spiritual attachment, remove spiritual attachment,remove spiritual attachment remove demon, remove demon, remove demon, remove demons

Photo Source: Craig McHarg, Ghost!, https://flic.kr/p/3cT16t

There a multiple ways to do this, but for someone not trained in healing you can buy a simple pink candle from Wal Mart or Target for around a buck with the virgin Mary on the front. I usually say an Our Father and a Hail Mary plus the prayer on the back of the candle then state my intention that I want whatever attachment in me or my family member to be taken away by Archangel Michael. Then I put a teaspoon of cinnamon in the pink candle, moving it away from the wink so the candle will burn, and light the wick. I then close with an Our Father and Hail Mary. If you say other prayers to your creator/source/God whatever you believe in and just use a pink candle with no image on the front, that may work too, although I haven’t tried that yet. I received this advice from Ann Simon, a wonderful medium and healer. If you want more advice, feel free to set up an appointment with me here: http://www.feathersinfinity.com.

Copyright 2014, Feathers, All Right Reserved

Q: How do I clear my home of negative energy?

Protection Set

I use a mixture of Sage and Sweet grass to clear my home of negative energy and entities. You can buy these online, at some psychic fairs or at metaphysical shops. It’s mostly about intention and rituals help us state our intentions. Counterclockwise undoes while clockwise puts back in. Open your windows and go around your home in a counterclockwise path with your smoking sage wand and say the following prayer:

“Archangel Michael, I ask that you remove and banish all negative energies and spirits from our home with the energy of Divine Light and Love. Bless our home with your pure white light of love and protection.”

Make sure to get white sage on the walls, corners, in the middle of the room, and in closets. Anywhere and everywhere a spirit can potentially hide, including attics if you can get to yours. Wave the wand counterclockwise around doorways and windows. Tell them in a firm voice from the gut to leave. Once you have completed your counterclockwise circle around the home, open the front door and wave the wand towards it, telling them to leave. Put the sage wand out outside your door either by putting it in water or rubbing it out.

Then go back around your home in a clockwise fashion with the sweet grass. This replaces the energy that is now vacant with positive energy. After you are done you can rub your sweet grass outside your front door and close your windows. You may also use Tibetan singing bowls to restore positive energy in our home along with the sweet grass. Good luck!

More advice and psychic readings here: www.feathersinfinity.com.

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How to See Your Aura

Photo Source: Daz71, “Aura”, https://flic.kr/p/93duU

One of the first things I wanted to do once I looked into metaphysics was to see my aura. I read about it in books and tried watching some YouTube videos on how to see mine. One of the first steps you must take to begin seeing anything spiritual is to pray about it, ask God to help you see clairvoyantly, so your healers and guides can help you develop your clairvoyance. Next you need to work on it regularly, practice not just makes perfect but also puts in the energy and action using Law of Attraction, essentially saying “I mean it” and I have an interest in this.

The most useful advice I was given was to hold your hand up to the wall but about a foot away from the wall. Look through or away from your hand and focus on the wall. Eventually you’ll see out of your peripheral vision a grey haze around your hand. Your aura actually has a lot of color, but this is how you’ll start to see it at first. Keep working on it, praying for it and eventually you’ll see colors. Try looking directly at your hand and unfocusing your eyes as well. I’ve been told that our peripheral vision is less damaged over time than our central vision and can see more of the light spectrum. One of the books I read said that looking in the mirror does not work in seeing your aura. That is absolutely NOT true. I’ve been able to see more of my aura in the mirror than in other ways and still see a lot in mirrors, particularly against a white wall with the lights on and in the dark.

Copyright 2014, Feathers, All Right Reserved