Tag Archives: ground energy

Grounding, Basics

Photo Source: Andrea Knight, “Druid’s Grove”, http://www.mediumandreaknight.com

One common side effect of being ungrounded is a lack of mental clarity, where it is hard to concentrate and focus as you used to (light headedness). Here are some common symptoms of being ungrounded:

-Loss of focus

-Feeling less intelligent

-Swift changing moods

-Hunger that can’t be satisfied

-Feeling more drained or fatigued than you’ve ever felt

-Anxieties that are not explainable

-Feeling everything and everyone around you

I talk a lot about grounding, and I’ve included additional methods and modes in the past, but I haven’t done a basic grounding blog as I figured it has been covered quite a bit on the internet. However, it has come up multiple times this past week so I decided to get it done. There are many YouTube meditations on this as well.

Do this when you get up in the morning and whenever you feel you are getting less grounded again. Grounding does not negatively affect your metaphysical abilities, think of it as you are washing them off in a waterfall, washing away the psychic “dirt” and when you come up again you can see clearer. Hopefully that helps some of you with your fears of grounding. If you have other fears of grounding, ask your archangels to heal them on all levels before you go to bed for the next 7 nights.


First imagine God sweeping away all the energies from the environments, family, friends, strangers that you may have absorbed and sprinkling them back towards where they came from. Then imagine any energy that you’ve left behind in the environment and with other people, including those you think a lot about like soulmates, coming back to you in a transmuted positive form, commonly seen in green.

Close your eyes and visualize black cords from the core of the earth extend up until they hook on to your feet, hips and end of your spine. I usually ask for this connection to core for 24 hours and wait for mother earth to acknowledge with a check mark clairvoyantly. Visualize the rest of your body turn into the branches and the leaves, extending into your energy field and your energy field turning a dark green as well as the rest of your body. Visualize air blowing away any energetic debris, then a waterfall wash over you to toss energies to the ground where they become soaked into the earth. Lastly visualize green fire surrounding you and your energy field, dissolving any negative energy or energies that no longer serve you. Using this process you will have used all 4 elements.

Imagine antennae that extend from the crown of your head open to a river of energy above you, representing the energy of others, their thoughts another spiritual information. Imagine those antennae retracting down back into your head. Imagine your energy fields and other cords that extend outside of your protective “front line” to retract into and behind your “front line” protectors. Ask them to stay there for a period of time such as 24 hours, etc.

Lastly if you’ve been doing a lot of spiritual work I highly recommend visualizing God turning down a nobb like you’re turning down the volume of something until you feel your energy become more grounded and less high vibrational. This will help bring you peace as well.

Sometimes after a very ungrounding reading I’ll take an actual shower, and light candles asking for grounding, open windows for air to blow in and put black stones in my pockets for additional intention. You should feel your feet become heavier, like putting on heavier boots and they should stay that way for the length of the time you ask. Lastly, visualize any portals open in your home closing (or around you if outside the home). I usually see a field of energy sweep through the home, closing any portals as it scans through like a copy machine.

You can also visualize your home grounding its energy as well. I usually see a forest in the home, with a stream of water in the middle, campfire, lightning bugs in the air, air blowing through the forest rustling the leaves. This way you are incorporating all 4 elements in your grounding visualization.

There are other guided meditations for grounding online but they do take rather a long period of time. In the morning I usually like to get going, so you can do this in the shower or in bed. Also, if you are clairsentient, check out my blog on how to maintain your energies so you can clear more of what no longer serves you.

Need more help or a reading? I am an experienced psychic medium that can connect to those crossed over. Find my readings here.

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